Avetis / Introduction to Clinical Care with EHRs
Մայիս 21, 2021

Introduction to Clinical Care with EHRs

Lorky Libaridian

Lorky Libaridian is a United States board-certified physician in both Internal Medicine and Pediatrics. She obtained her medical degree from Yale University School of Medicine, did her residency in Combined Internal Medicine and Pediatrics at the University of Rochester in New York, and completed a two-year Gold Fellowship in Innovation.  She is currently based in Yerevan focusing on strengthening primary care, intermittently returning to the U.S. to continue practicing at the Cambridge Health Alliance in Massachusetts.,

Dr. Libaridian has significant experience in health systems improvement, having held leadership positions in performance and quality improvement, with a focus on population health, chronic disease management, and preventive care and screening.  She has co-chaired and been on numerous committees and projects which aim to improve health outcomes through the maximization and integration of resources, including various electronic health systems.

Venue: National Institute of Health (49/4, Komitas ave., Yerevan)
Time: 12:00-14:00 Yerevan time

EHR’s play a significant role in improving both individual patient care by providers and community health through population health systems.  EHR’s can, when properly developed, improve patient care and safety, as well as the management of chronic diseases and preventive care.  However, care must be taken to design these systems to reduce, rather than increase, the burden on clinical teams.

Presentation Slides: Presentation slides: Using the EHR to Improve Clinical Care