Lilit (Lilly) Mkrtchyan Rosenberg is a veteran school psychologist practicing in the field for 21 years. A former continuation high school Psychologist, Lilly is particularly gifted in bringing even the most disenfranchised students to the table, restoring both self-worth and agency in marginalized teen populations. She has experience serving the needs of students at all grade levels. Lilly has expertise in learning disabilities such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, and attentional disorders. She is also highly skilled in working with students with Autism and emotional disturbances. Lilly has been a Licensed Educational Psychologist (LEP) since 2010. Her career has spanned both the public and private sectors. She is known in the field for conducting legally defensible psychoeducational evaluations based on current research. Lilly’s gift also lies in her balanced approach to helping families understand their children’s learning and mental health needs, guiding them through their journey to acceptance and empowering them to navigate the special education process.