Podcast-Evidence-based Practice

1 Hour
English, Հայերեն
3 Credit (s)

Learning Objectives

At the end of this episode, participants should be able to:

  • Define evidence-based practice and explain its impact on patients and their families
  • Name one online information resource that supports evidence-based practice

Intended Audience:

This online course is designed for pediatricians, family physicians, nurses,  as well as other health care providers and managers.


In this episode,  you will listen to an interdisciplinary conversation between a physician, nurse, and librarian we dive into the definition of evidence-based practice and how it fits into a clinician’s daily practice. Each participant shares a case study that highlights their role in contributing to evidence-based practice and the impact it can have on patients and their families. We also highlight some of our favorite online evidence-based practice resources.

Assessment and Earning CME Credit:

To receive CME credit for this course in Armenia, you must take the CME quiz at the end of this page. You have 3 chances to get a 70% to pass. Once you pass the quiz, we will send your information to the Armenia Ministry of Health for credits.


Lynn Kysh, MLIS, MPP

Lynn Kysh, MLIS, MPP

Lynn Kysh is a health sciences librarian with over 8 years of experience. She received her Master of Library & Information Science from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in 2012. After working as an informational services librarian at the University of Southern California (USC) and acting as a liaison to the Keck School of Medicine for over 5 years, she went on to complete her Master of Public Policy from UCLA in 2020. Lynn is currently the solo librarian at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) and is a member of CHLA’s Institute for Nursing and Interprofessional Research. Her responsibilities include investigating the value of health humanities, conducting systematic and scoping reviews, teaching evidence-based practice, and developing policies using social epidemiological methods.

Diane Altounji, DNP, RN, CPHON

Diane Altounji, DNP, RN, CPHON

Diane Altounji, DNP, RN, CPHON is the Clinical Practice Leader in the Cancer and Blood Disease Institute at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. She has 17 years of experience and holds a national certification in pediatric hematology oncology nursing. She obtained her BSN and MSN from Mount St. Mary’s University, and her DNP from the Southern California CSU DNP Consortium.

Dr. Sergey Sargsyan

Dr. Sergey Sargsyan

Dr. Sergey Sargsyan is the  adviserdviser of Minister of Health on Pediatrics, Head of the ICAH of Arabkir MC, and Chair of Pediatrics N2 of YSMU